Scene Guide
Here's a reference for anyone having trouble getting a scene, or wondering if they've got them all. Rather than outline full play paths, I'll just describe each scene and how to get it. Spoilers ahead, of course.
-Mob CG:
With the ear clips equipped, lose three times to any of the normal enemy groups to get all three scenes. Note that losing 3 times will lock you into the Slut Mode path, so you won't be able to get the normal endings without a separate save.
-Slut mode battle sprite
After losing three times to normal enemies, battle sprites will be different, and clothing will be optional
-Normal mode good end
Defeat Diezel in normal mode. No CG, but listed here as it is an end.
-Normal mode loss to Diezel
Lose to Diezel in normal mode. Choosing not to surrender fully at the end will start a loop. Choosing to fully surrender will complete the scene and lead into-
-Normal mode Bad End
As described above
-Slut mode end
Fight and "Defeat" Diezel in slut mode.
-Lose to stair guard
Lose fight to stair guard in normal mode
-Give in to stair guard
Give into stair guard's demands in normal mode (immediately or after a loss)
-Get used by stair guard
Talk to stair guard in slut mode
Get Cruel Serenade
Cruel Serenade
Status | Released |
Author | bitshiftgames |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Furry, Gay, hypnosis, NSFW |
More posts
- Cruel Serenade Now Available in Chinese!Nov 05, 2024
- Cruel Serenade 1.0.2 is upNov 02, 2024
- Cruel Serenade 1.0.1 is upAug 07, 2024
- Cruel Serenade Hits 1.0!Jul 28, 2024
- Cruel Serenade 0.4.2 is up!Apr 04, 2024
- 日本語のウサギ: Cruel Serenade now available in Japanese!Mar 25, 2024
- Cruel Serenade 0.4.1 is up!Jun 29, 2023
- Cruel Serenade 0.4.0 is up!Jun 26, 2023
- It's here ("Cruel Serenade 2" released)Jun 17, 2023
- Doing anything this Friday?Jun 15, 2023
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Hey guys! So hahahaha this may be a little funny. I've been trying to find the sex scenes, any sex content in general, but i keep losing to all the opponents, i just win the first fight and then i lose another one, inside the warehouse or out and its game over. I still havent found the "ear clips" or how to remove them :( I've been trying to play for more than 4 hours and its just game over over and over again.
Can anyone help me? I just wanted to be used by the boars :(((
This is what I do every single time: I win the first fight, I enter the ware house, I get the drink, the 6 pack, and I restore my HP, but then I always end up losing the other fight inside the warehouse :( please please please any help?
I just did it! Hahaha! I guess I wasnt fught hard enough
Congrads! Yeah, just have to learn the rhythm of it, when to heal etc. Remember that you have a skill you can use to heal out of battle too.
I distinctly remember on my first playthrough going for normal mode good end thinking "this is so hard, how are you supposed to not get fucked when every enemy can insta-stun you, slowly draining you into submission. So cruel, but i adore the challenge."
and three playthroughs later i learn you can unequip ear clippings, avoiding all hypno content entirely. and i felt so silly for not trying the first thing you do in this situation.
In conclusion: i adore the author for providing means for brats like me, sadists who enjoy watching the hero fall, and horny fucks in the middle who like getting fucked but not receiving permanent damage. Truly magnificent. Hat's off to you for not choosing one direction and sweeping the rest as unnecessary.
that being sad, i would enjoy a still little cg for good end. just text on a black screen created implication you got the wrong/unintended ending.
Aw, thanks! Yeah, that was an important consideration for me: the fun of these games is the interactivity, not just in clicking a button to advance or choosing a choice from a menu like in a visual novel, but actually piloting the main character in a meaningful way. It was important to me that it was always theoretically possible to play the game "right," because that meant if Mezz did come to "harm" you had no one to blame but yourself. It puts the player in the same shoes as Mezz: he should really be staying pure and heroic, but that temptation is always dragging him in a different direction. I also kind of enjoy the meta nature of the clips in that respect: Mezz technically CAN'T take them off, because he doesn't know they're there, but YOU can, as all-knowing Game Player, and spare him a bit, if you want.
And yeah, in an ideal world I'd have some graphics for both the normal end and the intro, but graphics/illustrations are the hardest part of this for me, so I have to stick to the high-priority stuff, the battles and the big scenes that need them.
Also, I'm sure you're not the first, but I'm still humbled that people are playing through my silly little game three times (or more!) Thanks.
not to be annoying, but i'll ask one of a long shot questions: would you actually make remaining scenes for intros and good ends after you're done with all the mechanics or even after completing all 5 games? Either by yourself or via commission to another artist is fine, we get it.
After completing everything else for GT? No way. The reality is I'm under a constant rolling time crunch: selling a game gives me runway to make the next game, which gives me runway to make the NEXT game and so on. As-is, it's a bit risky just doing the additional content for GT, since I'm burning time I should be spending on 3. Thankfully, the support on SubscribeStar helps with this somewhat, and I want to make sure the game is content-heavy enough for people to enjoy and more or less matches my vision for it and what I initially proposed. But time is always a pressing concern.
Now, the hope is that the runways will get a little longer with each major release, as more people hear about the games and there are more games to buy. So is revisiting something like visuals for the intro and outros possible at some point? Sure, maybe. But certainly not for a while. And contracting/commissioning work has its own issues. The core stuff has to be me, to keep the visual identity of the game contiguous. But there are things I'm open to paying for help on, and even there it's tricky to actually make it happen. I've been trying to get a few pieces done for GT for example to go up on e6, FA etc in order to get the word out, but I haven't been able to find anyone who'd be a good fit in terms of skill and style and is actively taking commissions.
But, long story short: right now, no. In the distant future? Possibly.
Good enough for me, and thank you for keeping in touch with the comment section.
I think this game is fantastic, and cannot wait to see more. I created an account here just to let you know. Best lewd RPG maker I’ve played.
I do have a question though. When losing to Diezel and choosing not to surrender, what do you mean “will start a loop.”?
I tried it, but I’m not sure if this is completed yet or bugged.
Aw thanks!
No, not bugged, at least as far as I'm aware. Losing to the boss in normal mode but not "giving in" results you eventually ending up back at the start.
When I tried it, it would take me outside of that final area, but I couldn’t enter back into the building. It was as if I was stuck with no progression besides resetting. I can do some more investigation later and report it here. I have a save I can reliably recreate the problem I think.
Yup, that's as intended. You just have to explore a little more.
yep! I hadn’t explored enough. Can’t wait for the next chapter.
No worries, glad you found it.
Really enjoyed it! Love the hypno angle, and nice to see a twinkish m/m content (as a bit of a twink myself). My one complaint is I wish the number of encounters was either toned down a little bit, or stealth was more of a viable option. In both slut mode and normal mode it feels like a bit of a slog getting through all of them, and trying to get past usually results in 3 encounters in a row (making the normal ending a little annoying to get) Otherwise very good, love the art and the writing! Can't wait to see more!
So I'm not sure if this has been asked before but is it possible to defeat the stair guards fairly?
It is, although it is pretty difficult. Also, don't make the mistake another poor soul did recently: remove the ear clips first.
I didn't know you could remove them
Glad I passed on the info then :D. I will say in general, always poke around in my games. My general design philosophy is that the absolute basics should be very obvious and easy to understand, but all sorts of stuff beyond that is fair game to be somewhat mysterious or vague.
Nice, thank you
I think my only complaint is there's to many enemies with the same sprite. Its cool there's only one for now but maybe shave down the amount 'there' overall by like 70% so you aren't repeating the same scenes/fights over and over trying to reach other content.
This is a tough thing to tackle, more tough than I think people realize. I definitely agree that some more enemy variety would be nice, and there will a few more in the next chapter. That said, there's a kind of tug-of-war between number of enemies and the depth of the art assets involved, since time is limited. A traditional small RPGMaker project might have a bunch of enemies, but all that's required for them is one static sprite. They also often lean heavily on pre-made stuff. I can't do that: everything has to be made fresh. Which means every enemy needs:
-A battle sprite
-A walking sprite
-Face cut-ins
-Battle sex sprites specific to them
A lot of sex rpgs handle this by either having only one sex sprite per enemy type or by having every sex sprite be generic, and thus usable by any enemy. I can't do the first, since my theming tends to a small handful of new enemies per chapter. I could do the second, but there would end up being a lot of repeated and samey battle sex. This would also mean that doing slightly different control mechanics for each chapter would have to be thrown out.
Ultimately, I can have a lot of enemies with fairly similar sex moves and mechanics across all the chapters, or I can have just a couple in each, but with some depth and variety to their sex and hypno mechanics. Considering the kind of game this is, I've opted for the second so far. All that said, I do aim to have two different enemy types (actual, not just palate swaps) on launch with the next chapter, and potentially a third eventually.
Oh I do understand, realize now I worded it improperly. What I mean is that with 3 enemies per fight, when you 'lose' they all respawn and for example just after the respawn point there's that cluster of like 4? enemies. It turns into 12 different enemies you have to slowly spam click through the animations and everything for since there's multiple steps to each one. In that area you could prob cut out at least half of the patrols and still have a satisfying amount of combat for the size of the area. The second area from what I saw was more reasonable in its enemy count, although I had the game crash twice and couldn't myself to go through the actions for that group of 4 fights again to reach the boss. Alternatively reducing the amount of steps to 'satisfy' each enemy or making 2-enemy groups more common would be helpful.
Oh, so your issue isn't variety of enemies, just the amount in a given area. That's understandable, but I'm not sure I agree. Keep in mind that once you get to those four mobs, that's one of the only two screens of enemies you have to fight past, so I'm hesitant to take too much away from that. Swapping one or two out with 2-enemy mobs might not be a bad idea though. Of course I'm thinking about this in terms of ordinary combat: the assumption has always been that a typical playthrough will take out SOME of the mobs legit, especially the early ones, and THEN maybe end up in slut mode and use that to get past the rest. If you're tipping into slut mode right away, yeah, I can see that being a bit of a slog. I have actually radically streamlined how fast the slut mode fights go compared to what they were originally, but it will take you a bit to get through everyone like that.
Sorry to hear it's been crashing. For all its faults, RMGMaker is usually fairly stable. In fact I don't think I've ever seen it outright crash unless there was a buggy plugin or I massively screwed up a bit of coding. What do the crashes look like?
no logro avanzar despues del segundo grupo de jabalies (inicio) no se si estaré usando bien los items, equipos, etc...
No hablo español, así que lo siento si esto está un poco apagado. Después de derrotar a los jabalíes de la entrada, y a los del almacén, vuelve a salir y derrota a los jabalíes de la derecha. Uno de ellos tiene una llave. Si Mezz dice algo después de ganar, sabrás que has encontrado el jabalí correcto. Entonces coge esa llave y abre la puerta de la izquierda (botón de acción).
Sorry bitshift, I forgot to use the translator. Oh, okay. He defeated the boars inside the warehouse, but since they did not leave anything in the following attempts, he avoided the fight (as it appears in the option). Understood Mezz's next mission find that key. Thanks for the information.
do you have a media social to that i can follow? the game is really good! cant wait to see more hypnosis and mindbreak~
Thanks! No, just this account here and FA if you're old school.
ah, I see! the game is perfect there are not many hypnosis games. I cannot wait for the next update! you should create a Twitter and update your progress there!
I'm not a big fan of social media in general. And in this case it wouldn't be especially useful, as I only have something to announce every 6+ months most of the time. Again though, glad you're like it so far.
ah, I see! well, still can not wait to see the next update! I bet it gonna be so good!
I kinda confused with rhe lose three times
Do we need that earclip? Or the lose when the earclip actived or just normal lose until its show game over?
Three times with the clips equipped. I'll change that to clarify.
I think the only thing holding this back is there are only 2 enemy types and a boss and no enemy mixing. But I understand you can only do so much as a team of one and you'd rather start on the next chapter rather than keep coming back and only tinkering with this. I'm definitely excited to see where our bunny goes.
Thanks! And I agree it is a bit sparse, but in addition to what you already said, remember this is essentially 1/5th of one game, rather than 1 of 5 games. The parts will be released and play separately for practical reasons, but it's very much planned as one thing. So the "whole game" eventually will have a pretty good variety of enemies, we're just not there yet.
Wait,but we cant fight stair guard. Can you explain please "
-Lose to stair guard
-Give in to stair guard
-Get used by stair guard"
You can indeed fight the stair guard. Talk to both of them.