Just a quick note

Just letting everyone know: I'll be taking another week (maybe a little less) to finalize my planning on 3 before sharing my plans. Mostly there, but want to spend a little longer with it. Have been having fun with what I'm putting together though, it's definitely coming together. Soon!

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hey what's the Mahir fight trick? Every time I play it takes like 30 trys

Pay attention to his wind ups. One attack is a fakeout, and should be attacked into. The other has to be blocked.


Do you think when the full 5 chapters comes out, you might spend time adding some extra scenes or scenarios to each chapter and make it one full package? I know that's WAAAAAAYYYYY down the line, but could spice up a full release.


We'll see, but that's quite a ways out. Will come to it when we come to it.


I love watching your art slowly improve with every update, I am so excited for when all 5 parts will be complete


Thanks! It's slow, but there definitely is some improvement, even within GT. When I looking back at some scenes I did at the start for reference while working on some of the last ones there were definitely a few "wow, I would never do that anymore" moments. With any luck by 5 I will be a Real Artist™.


Hypeeeee hehehe. Take your time dude! Just released my game and taking a bit of  a time off! Go do some stuff and just clear your head about the projects!~

Although is impossible to trully keep it off your head XD let it come to ya naturally. (And note down them fleeing ideas you have in the middle of the night! Lel

Hope you have a great little vacation hehe kisses!




good luck with it.