Plans for Chapter 3

Alright, time to get into info on Chapter 3.

First, a quick review for anyone who's new: Cruel Serenade is intended as a five part series, two of which are now complete. The first took about 7-8 months to reach its initial release, the second, GutterTrash, as it was a much larger and more fleshed-out game, took about 13, followed by another year of additional content.

My general plan going forward is to use GutterTrash as a general mold/template going forward. This doesn't mean there won't be variations or improvements, but you should expect to get a roughly similar game in terms of size and scope. Each chapter is hypnosis/mind control themed, but in a different way, with a different scenario/mission and enemies.

Starting now, August of 2024, the clock is ticking. My plan is to have the first release available to supporters on SubscribeStar by September of 2025, 13 months from now, and public somewhere between two and four weeks later. The price will remain $10. As with GT, this is planned to be playable from start to end, with at least two endings (one good, one bad), and 6-7 unique CG to start.  As with GT, additional endings, scenes, scenarios and (likely) minigames will be filled in with additional content packs, which will be free to those who have already bought the game (Chapter 3), and available 2 weeks early to supporters on SubscribeStar. Chapter 3 will also continue the boar sub-story in Haven (to start), as well as introducing two more (in later packs), all dependent on how a player played and finished GT, carried over by the DataCrystal.js file.

Keep in mind that all of this is still, metaphorically speaking, written in pencil. I hope I've built a reputation by now as someone who takes deadlines seriously, but the nature of game development is that it's a big, complex thing to get a grip on, especially for one person. I deliberately do what I can to keep things chopped into small manageable pieces and not bite off more than I can chew, but things will undoubtedly shift a bit as work progresses. Usually this is a good thing: you REALLY don't want to play the original planned version of GT, it was much less fun, didn't flow well, etc. That said, I THINK I have a decent chance to make a similar game to GT in a similar amount of time.

And that's about it for now. I tend to keep details about story, characters, mechanics pretty close to my chest until release, and especially with this one it will be more fun if you go in blind. I'm not even going to reveal a title for now. That said, I do feel obligated to share SOME details due to the fine folks supporting me on SubscribeStar, so I'll probably be sharing some art assets, and bits and pieces of story and setting as I have them, not just on SubscribeStar but here as well. And for the same reason, as with GT, I plan on giving basic progress updates on a "quarterly" basis, roughly every 3 to 4 months, just so you know I'm not dead and have some idea on where things are.

On that note, things will obviously slow down here for the next year or so as a result, and with it funding, both from sales and SubscribeStar. This is expected and budgeted for, but I want to highlight the difference those who can stick around make. Things are rough right now for people, and I don't want anyone giving me money that can't afford to. But if you can, it makes a big difference during these droughts. And if you are, have in the past, or, and/or plan to continue, thank you.

Making something this big always seems impossible. GT seemed impossible. But you organize it big-picture, subdivide into smaller chunks, subdivide THOSE into even smaller chunks, pick up one and work on it. And another. And another. Occasionally glancing up to make sure you're not off track. And eventually, one day, you're a quarter done. You're half done. 3/4s. Finished. It's stressful, harrowing, fun, exciting, hot, and when it's done, probably one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.

Time to do it again.

Get Cruel Serenade: GutterTrash

Buy Now$10.00 USD or more


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Will we be able to carry over our original save file from the first to the second game then now from second to third game 

(1 edit)

You'll want to do it in sequence: 1,2,3. New data fields will be added each time, so 3 won't be able to correctly read a file from 1. This isn't really a loss though, as the whole point of these side scenes is that they gradually develop as you play the games. So if you care about them, you're probably buying and playing all the games anyway. To be clear, I'm talking about the EXTRA save system, the DataCrystal files. Normal saves have never transferred, and never will.


yeah I was talking about the DataCrystal as well been playing since your first game first dropped years ago can’t wait for the next one




hey yo! I'll help you out! you need someone to do some side touches to the art while you work RM, or vice-versa, I'm offering my help now

Appreciate it, but at the moment I'm not looking to work with anyone else on this. Thanks though.


We really got Cruel Serenade 3 before GTA VI 🗣️🗣️🗣️

sorry, i had to x3  Really looking forward to this, the first two have been a blast <3


Ha! Hey, 3 and 5 are enough to last me quite a while. And thanks!


I'll always support ya!
You have amazing games and I cannot wait for the next chapter!
Take your time and any breaks if needed too! ^^


Thanks much!


Ive been playing for a year,every time I play a new version, I always play it all over again, this game is the most special and favorite to me.I will always support you!



Both of the current chapters were all worth the wait, and I'm sure the remaining ones will be as well.  Obviously a part of me is doing the hands beating on table gif 'now now now!' because I'm eager to see what the next scenario he gets himself in, but I shall be patient, and continue to support on subscribestar the entire time (unless financially unable.)

Ha! Hey, if I COULD get them out instantly, I definitely WOULD. I enjoy finishing these as much as you guys enjoy playing them. But unfortunately we'll both have endure a bit of a wait. Will definitely be worth it though. And thanks for the support; like I said, definitely means a lot, especially now.


yeah, your reputation for attending deadlines is unshaken. so many other developers of lewd games out there have a real issue with that but you've managed to successfully accomplish them smoothly. godspeed




With time and patience, friend, no one is going to yell at you for being late or rushing, take it calmly.

It's all a balance, can't take TOO long. But I'll try not to rush too much.




Really looking forward to more content from you, you got a forever customer with me

Aw, really appreciate it!


Much respect for what you've made, and your commitment to the future. Looking forward to this next installment!



Holy shit you put all that into words, it indeed seems so impossible to make such a huge game. But planning, organizing and pacing relaly amkes such a difference you cant even tell is that same giant nugget of a game anymore.

Truly I will continue support ya no matter what, and will be here until the very last chapter of this amazing series, and even after that if you make more games! Your approach to lewds, flow and artstyle is perfect for what you do. And i would be lying if i said everytime i see a new post of you anywhere I giggle like a damn hyena and bounce off the walls. I will always continue to heavily recommend you to my friends and fans over at my discord server.

As in regards to the other stuff, yes it is great you are sticking to a style you found to work on gutter trash, I see the mechanics and style of it overall staying to be great, you will be polishing and mastering what you found to work great and improve upon it. THATS what as sequel should be, so "Work hard fap well and eat and sleep plenty!" XD

Good luck!!!!

Ha, glad you enjoy em. And thanks, I'll definitely do what I can.


Man, you're awesome, thanks for everything you do!

Aw, thanks! I do what I can.

(1 edit) (+3)

but who knows what might happen, might finish earlier than you think.


True, anything is possible (and I have occasionally finished SLIGHTLY ahead of schedule).


and if you need any game testers, some of us be glad to.

If you're interested, I'd join the Substar (if you're not already there) once it nears completion; I usually use the early release there as my bug/game testing.


well I dont have a bank accoutn but i Do have an substar account

It would have to be on the $10 one, so however you can make that work. But if not, no worries.