Hey all, finally time for another progress update on the next chapter. As always, I'll start with a general summary of progress, and then go on to the new conte...
OooOOoooOOoo! So, time for an update on the next chapter. Work is progressing, though not as fast as I'd like. I was sick for most of one the last three months...
Thanks to the work of Alot, there is now an unofficial translation pack for GutterTrash in Chinese as well. You can get it here , (1.1) and copy the files over...
Another small bugfix. I've been replaying the game testing Eiga-xx's excellent Japanese translation, which is now up as well. In the process though, I found a b...
Alright, time to get into info on Chapter 3. First, a quick review for anyone who's new: Cruel Serenade is intended as a five part series, two of which are now...
Just letting everyone know: I'll be taking another week (maybe a little less) to finalize my planning on 3 before sharing my plans. Mostly there, but want to sp...
Just a quick bugfix patch. Details below: Changelog for 1.0.4: General Fixes: -Playing the tunnel scene from the gallery part of the way through, exiting via th...